Lauren M Butler

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Lauren M Butler – Cho
reographer / Photo: Karie Butler


Lauren is an environmental artist and engineer. She has choreographed over 30 works in NYC, Chicago, Minneapolis, and La Paz (Bolivia) relating to nature, science and technology. She teaches mindful movement to scientists and non-dancers, and speaks and writes about the power of dance to advance science and sustainable development. Lauren was a scholarship student with Jennifer Muller/The Works, company member of ArteMóvida and Ray Terrill Dance Group, and started her own company in 2016.  She performed in works by Molissa Fenley, Carl Flink, Max Pollak, Billy Siegenfeld and more in venues ranging from New York Live Arts to open-air salt flats of Bolivia. Lauren holds B.A.s in Dance and Mechanical Engineering from University of Minnesota and an M.S. Environmental Engineering from Columbia University. When she sits still, she’s either reading, gazing at nature, or working as program director for Engineers In Action overseeing global clean water and sanitation projects.
